Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Water and Word

For the past few days, I have been participating in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare for August and have loved thinking of the different gifts as prompted each day.  Yesterday, the hubs and I had a fun dinner out with friends, so I didn't get to blogging, so here are my thoughts for yesterday and today.

Day 6:  3 Gifts in Water
1.  On our one month anniversary, I came home to find these beauties, my very favorite flower, in a vase on our kitchen table.  It was such a treat!

2.  On our honeymoon, my new husband loved wading out into the waves and I loved being able to watch him from my chair on the beach, feeling so thankful that God had placed him in my life.

3.  A few years ago when I was in Israel, one of the most powerful experiences I had was being baptized in the Jordan River.  It was an amazing reaffirmation of my call to follow Christ.

The symbolism water holds for us each day of life and renewal is in and of itself a beautiful gift.

Day 7: 3 Gifts in His Word

Today, my reading centered around Mary of Bethany and I found in her character three traits in her relationship with Christ that stood out to me and that I would like to emulate in my own walk with Him.

1. Attention
In the Message translation of Luke 10:39, Mary is described as "hanging on every word he said" as she sat and listened to Jesus.
2.  Eagerness
When Jesus visited Mary and Martha in Bethany after the death of their brother Lazarus, John 11:29 describes Mary as jumping up and running out to meet him immediately when she was told that he was on his way.
3.  Awareness
The fact that Scripture describes Mary's special anointing of Jesus just days before his crucifixion seems to point to the awareness Mary had of who Jesus is.  I don't know how much Mary knew of what was about to happen, but I can only imagine that her attention to his words earlier may have helped her in this awareness.

These three are all traits that I will actively seek to grow and develop in my own relationship with Christ.  May I be attentive and focus on each word I read and listen rather than just speaking during prayer time.  May I strive to stop rushing through my quiet time with Christ, but allow time for His words to fall over me.  May I embrace the eagerness in my time with him, so that in every situation whether good or bad, Christ is my first thought and the first place I think to turn.  And may my time with Jesus guide and develop a deeper awareness, so that I may be aware of where God is at work in and around my life, so that I may join Him there and spread His love to all around me.

Happy Wednesday!

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