Sunday, August 11, 2013

Getting Behind

Does anyone else struggle with this?  Sometimes I start something with the most wonderful intentions and then life happens and then I'm three days behind and then and then...

Ok, so I realized today that I was two days behind on my Joy Dare.  Oops!  So thankful for grace.  I had hoped that putting these posts on my blog would help me stay accountable, but anyway, here we are.  And I found these three days to be kind of difficult to think about, too...

Day 9: a gift hole, whole, and half

Is it bad that the first thing I thought of was a donut hole?!  We did receive a donut hole/cake ball maker for our wedding anniversary and I'm kind of excited to use that, but then I thought a little more and perhaps the holes in my life that are difficult to cope with and the losses that I don't enjoy experiencing may be the very thing that God is using to bring me more and more closely to wholeness in Him.  I reread chapter 1 of One Thousand Gifts this morning and that is what Ann Voskamp speaks to about how the holes that pierce through our soul, the difficulties we experience, so often are things God can use to help us see Him more and more.  I thought about my week and challenges I have faced, things I have been convicted of and the unloveliness I have found grafted too close to my heart and though the pain is great as God is cleansing and removing these pieces from my life, I know that it is only in their removal that true wholeness in Him can begin.

For a gift half, I am very thankful that my husband and I were able to divide the cleaning chores in half. The work was done quickly and efficiently and we have both been able to enjoy the afternoon.  I'm very thankful for the helper he is in my life.

Day 10: 3 hard eucharisteo
I looked up "eucharisteo" and it means "to be grateful; to give thanks".  So day 10 is about the difficult things to be thankful for.  I think some of that difficult thankfulness I spoke to in my day 9 hole and wholeness, but I suppose another area I struggle with is disappointment, which is always difficult for me to be thankful for.  Disappointment from unmet expectations has been a hallmark challenge of my entire life, but I am thankful for the way it reminds me to always seek God first.  When I put all my trust in Him and seek His guidance, I am aware that though life may not follow my prescribed idea, God is guiding me and I can always trust God's plan.  So many times I will not understand why my plan didn't work, but I have learned also to be thankful for God's protection, though at the time perhaps it was difficult to be thankful for it because I didn't understand why, but when He reveals a glimpse of His plan and even if He doesn't, God's protection and plan is always the best.

Day 11: 3 gifts of metal (now for something a little lighter!) I hope :)

1.  Curtain rod
Since we moved into our home, we have had these lace window coverings kindly left by the previous owner, covering our front door.  And though these lace curtains are certainly lovely, the mister and I thought of a different design idea through the wonderful world of Pinterest that we put into place last night.
Here is the before:

And here is the after!

Sometimes just a little switch up can make such a difference. :)

2.  Fork

This morning as I ate scrambled eggs for breakfast, I took a moment to look at the fork that carried the eggs from the plate to my mouth and my eyes misted over with tears.  The forks and knives and spoons in the set we use for our meals belonged to my beautiful grandmother who passed away last year.  I thought of the countless number of eggs she had prepared and enjoyed using these same forks and was filled with gratitude that they help me remember her again and again each time we use them.  I'm so thankful for the memories and the sometimes tangible things we can carry with us to remind us of loved ones who have gone before.

3.  Ring
It's three months old today, my wedding ring that is perched on my finger.  I'm thankful for the commitment to love that it represents and especially for the one who gave it to me and placed it on my finger the very first time.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!! :)

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