Before I begin the review of my latest read, I wanted to tell you a little about program that I have joined to be able to write this review. Booksneeze is a place for bloggers to sign up and in exchange for a book selected by you from a list, you write a review for your blog. I love to read, so I thought this would be a fun way to enjoy a favorite past-time while also writing down what I thought of what I just read. Though I did receive this book in exchange for my review, please know that all opinions are my own. If you are interested in participating in Booksneeze, head over to their website and sign up. It's so fun!
And here's my review:
From the very title of Lisa Harpers book, Overextended…and Loving Most of It: The Unexpected Joy of Being Harried, Heartbroken, and Hurling Oneself Off Cliffs, I knew this book would have much to speak to me about. My personality type leads me to want to live life to the absolute full and sometimes that can lead to an overabundance on my plate of things to do. Sometimes ironically in these situations rather than press ahead to achieve the seemingly impossible, I allow isolating fear to capture my heart and mind and I frantically look for escape routes rather than trusting in the One who has made me as I am and who will carry me through whatever I face.
Lisa Harper speaks to these scary moments of great risk and great disappointment through her recounting of two adoption processes. The first she writes of involves her patient and prayerful process throughout the pregnancy of an addict in hope of adopting the child this woman would bear. The second involves her stressful and uncomfortable journey of adopting a child from Haiti. Both experiences are testimonies to her faith and trust that God will lead her through any situation. I personally felt God speak to me through Harper’s words as she spoke to the scariness of the unknown. How in both situations some of the people involved would in many ways prefer to stay in their dire circumstances than embrace the new life awaiting them. I found this message so convicting in my own life because I recognized myself. How many times have I hesitated to step forward in faith to something God was calling me to because I was fearful of the unknown?
Another powerful portion of the book is Lisa’s description of the discouraging and disappointing features of her relationships with her father and step-father and how God has redeemed both relationships for her. She writes of learning to let go of the hurts and wrongs that leave painful scars and pursue grace and forgiveness even when it is very difficult, speaking to God’s immense and healing power.
I found Harper’s writing to be encouraging and inspiring as she entwined Scripture and theological principles into her witty and humorous style. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to read this work and look forward to reading others by the author.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend!! :)
sounds really interesting, and thanks for the review.
ReplyDeletei'm reading the autobio of angelica huston!
I remember following some of her process with the first adoption on twitter. Sounds interesting. And so does this program. Love to read.