Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Latest

I hope you all had a nice weekend!  I had the tremendous blessing of spending the weekend at my parents' house and some special quality time with my mama.  I am so thankful for her and her precious life.  I'll be sure and post a recap of the fun surprise adventure I took her on on Saturday!!  For now, I'll leave you with a darling picture of some special mamas who were celebrated today.  I got to see all of them during a family wedding that I will also be posting about soon.  They are such incredible women and I am so honored to know them!
On the left is my sweet mama and on the right is her sister, Aunt Laurie.  In the middle is their cousin, Gail.  She was the Mother of the Bride at this fun wedding.  It was such a treat to get to spend time with all three of them during this special event.  Hope you have a wonderful week!! :)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to not only be blessed by 1 lady but 2 other specials ones!!


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