Friday, April 22, 2011

Loaves and Fishes

As I wrote the words to this title, I thought about how interesting it is that we do refer to the elements, which Jesus used to feed 5000, as loaves and fishes, rather than loaves and fish.  It is the tale end of Maundy Thursday as I write this and I can't help, but think of another meal in another place where Jesus broke bread with his disciples.  As we face Good Friday, the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf floods my heart and mind.  May we share a few moments this day pondering the love and sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

After we visited Capernaum, we went to a church that has been built upon the traditional site of the feeding of the 5000.  What an incredible miracle and example of God's almighty provision.  The sky had cleared of rainclouds and the most beautiful blue sky ushered forth.  Some of the following photos are my favorites from the trip.

I loved seeing the bells in the towers of the churches we visited.  Something about the sound of church bells is so beautiful to me.  The Methodist church near my parents' home always played the most beautiful melodies at different times of day.  They were hymns throughout the year and then Christmas carols during Advent.  I loved being tucked in bed on Christmas eve and hearing the beautiful melodies lull me to sleep. 
This church is part of an active monastery and this sign reminded us to enter with reverence.  A courtyard was outside the entrance and guides were asked to give instructions concerning the location before going inside.
I loved the light inside this church.
an open window
Beautiful architecture
This photo gives an idea as to the size of the inside of the church. 
I loved this understated detail.
Mosaics at the front of the church.
 More mosaics

 Christ icon

 The front of the church
 A closeup with the loaves and fishes mosaic in front of the stone.
 I believe these doors were from 1270 and depicted different scenes.
 In the courtyard was what I thought at first glance to be a fish pond, but after talking with some of my fellow pilgrims learned that it used to be a baptistry.

Leaving the church.

Next, we journey to Peter's Primacy.  Blessings on each of you this day.


  1. this is so beautiful. what great timing on the post and what today means. :) talk about chill bumps! thanks for posting this, friend!

  2. These pictures are amazing! Thanks so much for posting them!!Happy Easter

  3. Wow gorgeous post honey. You are so lucky to be there. Thank you for sharing and I hope you and your family have a blessed EAster. Kori xoxo


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