Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Truth

Sleep is always better when you are tucked snugly in your own bed with your soft down duvet, knowing that no alarm will sound in the morning, than on a 12 and a half hour flight overnight crossing time zones in a chair that won't quite recline far enough.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have returned from one of the greatest adventures in my life -- 10 days in Israel.  Fortunately, I got to partake in the sweet slumber mentioned in the first part of this post last night.  However, for the magical journey I have been on, the second kind of sleep was completely worth it.  I can't wait to share all the details.  Today, I hope to spend time loading all the pictures, finishing my final days of journaling and catching up on rest.  The posts should begin soon!  I will probably write small morsels at a time, so it could take me forever, but I am so thankful for this forum to share this experience.  Hope all is well and that you have a wonderful Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. i can't wait to read ALL of your posts! HOW EXCITING! :)


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