Ladies and Gentlemen, attention please. I have an announcement to make. Last Thursday at approximately 7:38 am, I experienced a breakthrough of gargantuan proportions. Yes, it is true, I ate a banana and enjoyed it. I mean loved it! After living for almost 30 years on planet earth, bananas seemed to be the food I didn't like. I had always admired the banana with its excellent biodegradable packaging. What a perfect snack food! Not to mention the valuable nutrients nestled within its peel, but it was just never for me before Thursday. Now, you may be asking yourself, if I didn't like bananas for the past 30 years, how did I find one in my possession? Excellent question, dear reader. I was visiting my local grocery last Sunday when I happened upon a meal deal that I could not refuse. With the purchase of 4 Lean Cuisine frozen meals, I would receive a bag of fresh spinach, bottled water, a box of candy, and 1 lb. of bananas. When they are giving away the bananas, even I couldn't refuse. So, it was with great trepidation that I entered the produce section. What am I looking for? Should I go for the ones with a little green? A lot of green? No green at all? How many bananas are in a pound? For the record, I chose some that were a little green, so I could work up my courage throughout the week to try one. As you can tell from my Sunday purchase to my Thursday breakthrough, I took my time before I tried the banana, but this experience has changed me so much that I found a new treasure at the store today:

How cute are those baby bananas?! That is really their name! They are pretty green now, so I can't wait for them to ripen a bit. :)
Since I was on such a kick, I decided after my workout that I needed a little snack with my new favorite food and some fellow food friends...
So yum!! A little pb spread on a homemade whole wheat tortilla from the grocery with some banana, craisins, and this yummy cereal to top it off!!
Have y'all tried this? It is totally delish!! I highly recommend it. :)
Well, thanks for listening to my breakthrough story. Next stop: Banana Split!! I just realized that I will like those now. :)
Hope you have a great week!! I have lots of stories to share about the past few weeks, so stay tuned! :)